September 1, 2010

Managers are Stupid -first post

Has anyone other than me noticed how stupid managers are?

I don't think being kind or understanding is so difficult.

People do it in their lives every day, so why is it when they walk through the doors of an office, they feel the need to put that part of their brains in their pocket?

I will share some of my experiences, but I am interested in knowing how many others have had similar experiences.

Are managers stupid in every country and culture? Let's share our experiences and find out.

Let's not forget that there are also some amazingly great managers. I would love to hear about them too.

Maybe the stupid ones can learn from the great ones!!


  1. It is not about understanding or being kind. You have to remember those people had to kiss lot of ... you know what, to get certain positions and keep them. it is very frustrating and the easiest way to deal with that frustration is to treat the people below them badly they don't even know. as you say they are so stupid to know that other people are watching and they are smart.

  2. I like your suggestion. Maybe we need to be more specific that they put their brains in their back pocket, the one closest to the part of the body they learned to kiss.

    Do people only get promoted by kissing up to their own boss? That would be a shame.

  3. I think in our days, people are trying to stay in their jobs. because of the recession. They fear loosing their jobs so they accept abuse.
    Recession is a myth. I believe that companies and organizations are using this as an excuse to keep an upper hand over employees heads.
    I don't know if they say it anywhere, but the unsaid tone that I experienced was: "you are lucky to have a job, you don't like it, there are other people who are dying to have your job". and this is true.

  4. Damn, I've got similar stories so horrible, you'd probably think I just made the s*** up, but they're true. I'll look for them and post later.

    -- faye kane homeless brain
